Date: Wednesday, July 10 / Conference email #7: Last call for t-shirts / Conference Agenda / General Reminders
Hi. all –
T-Shirts: If you would like to pre–order a ROPA commemorative t-shirt, get your order in tonight or tomorrow morning. Additionally, if you are a delegate representing more than one orchestra, you may have a shirt for each orchestra. Please indicate “Shirt #2” along with your name.
Orchestra Reports: Delegates, please submit your orchestra report as soon as possible to
See everyone soon! Karen Sandene
Date: Sunday, July 7 / Conference email #6 / Orchestra Reports / T-Shirt order reminder
Hi, all – The link to the 2024 Orchestra Reports is now live. Those reports that have come in so far have been compiled into a single document for your convenience. This document will be updated every couple of days as more reports are submitted.
The link to the reports is the following: You need to be logged into the website in order to reach the reports. Also, the orchestra reports have an extra layer of security, so there are instructions once you reach this page to get through the extra security.
Note: I cannot see your passwords from my end – if you have forgotten your password, just say that you forgot your password and get a new one. Let me know if you need further assistance in logging on.
If you are an alternate delegate for this conference, you will be getting access to the delegates-only portion of the website shortly – I’m working on this this weekend. Be on the lookout for a message from WordPress.
It’s not too late to turn in your reports – it’s important that ROPA maintains an annual snapshot of the status of our orchestras. Please submit them to
Also: this is a reminder to claim your free ROPA t-shirt by filling out the form at this link by July 10:
Thanks! Karen
Date: Friday, July 5 / Conference email #5 / ROPA Commemorative T-Shirt Order form
Hi, all – In honor of ROPA’s 40th Anniversary, we are creating a commemorative t-shirt for delegates and guests. These t-shirts are free of charge; you will need to pre-order so we can get the correct number of shirt sizes.
Claim your free ROPA t-shirt by filling out the form at this link by July 10:
Turn-around time is pretty quick, so if you’d like a shirt, take care of this ASAP – Thanks!
Date: Saturday, June 22 / Conference email #4: Email address for submitting orchestra reports
Hi, all – I will be compiling orchestra reports in an alternate email account to help keep the reports together. When submitting your conference orchestra reports, please send them to:
Date: Tuesday, June 19 / Conference email #3: Please register on the website/book your room/ submit your orchestra reports/ Sandene on the road Tuesday, June 25-Sunday, June 30
Hi, all –
Thank you to those of you who have completed your website registration, room reservation and have submitted your orchestra reports! We need you to do these things as soon as you can for a number of reasons:
- Your website registration gives us and our Local 6 hosts an accurate number for food/beverage/social events, and allows you to let us know any dietary concerns you might have.
- You want to make sure you get a room at the ROPA discount rate – you don’t want to explain to your local that they have to cover more expenses because you were too late to get the special room rate.
- Your orchestra report is necessary for your MAL group breakout sessions, and is used to help the institution of ROPA chart the trajectories of all of our orchestras over time. An example of an orchestra report is attached. Also, all of the reports are compiled into a single document (by me), and having 90+ reports come in at the same time is a bit daunting.
Some of you have booked your rooms but haven’t registered, and some of you have registered but haven’t booked your rooms yet, and most of you need to get in your orchestra reports. Please work to get your conference preparation all completed by July 5.
Here are your links:
- Register for the Conference
- Book Your Room
- Orchestra Report Instructions
- 2024 Conference Information Page
Also, I will be “out of the office” this coming week – I will be on my annual bike tour in the Nebraska Sandhills (June 25-30) and will have limited internet access. I will be able to read emails on the phone, but it would be easier to help you with a computer at home rather than on a phone in a tent. If you have questions you can contact your member-at-large, or leave me a message and I can get back to you starting Sunday night the 30th.
Thanks! Karen Sandene
Date: Thursday, May 16: Conference email #2: Orchestra Reports/Settlement Bulletins
Hi, all – a few conference reminders this evening:
1) Write your Orchestra Report
An important part of conference preparation for us is the submission of Orchestra Reports from each orchestra, so we can compile them and share with delegates prior to conference. The Orchestra reports are important historical documents that help us keep track of the status of our orchestras over the years.
I’m attaching a sample report to this email as well. There is no set format, but do your best to keep it to one side of one page – a 1-page summary of how your orchestra did this year. You might want to check with your Orchestra Committee chair
If you are a delegate but someone else will be attending conference, please get a hold of your sub and see which of you will be writing the report.
Please submit reports to me via my ROPA Secretary gmail account ( rather than to the whole list. Do this by July 5, please.
As reports come in, I will compile them into a single document and a link will be posted on the conference page Substitute delegates, you will have access to the delegates portion of the site so you can view these and other documents you should have access to at conference.
Please don’t wait for the last minute to file your report. It takes time to process and compile nearly 100 orchestra reports, so do me a favor and try to get yours in by July 5.
2) Settlement Bulletins
If your orchestra settled contracts this past season and you have not yet sent in a settlement bulletin, please do so, so they can be distributed at conference.
These can be completed 2 ways:
1) Go to the following link to a google form and provide the information or
2) If you are fairly comfortable with Microsoft Word and can add rows/columns to a table, you can use the attached Settlement Bulletin Template and create a document.
Thanks! Karen Sandene
Date: Thursday, April 18 / Conference Email #1: Conference Info Page, Registration and Hotel Links Ready to go / Book Your Transportation / Who is Attending?
Good morning, all – here we go!
The conference information is now up on the website. Info can be found via links on the homepage.
1) Conference Information Page:
All information as it comes in will be posted there, including agendas, delegate and Local responsibilities, speaker info, etc. An archive of Conference Emails will also be found there so you don’t miss anything.
2) Conference Registration Page: Please register by July 5. Let me know if you have any difficulties. You should receive a confirmation email after you register.
3) Hotel Registration Link: (Deadline for the ROPA discount rate: July 5): Hotel rate per night is $189 (+ whatever taxes). The hotel is the Hilton Parc 55, 55 Cyril Magnin Street, San Francisco CA. The hotel phone # is 415-392-8000 The conference info page has more details about the hotel. It also gives you options for transportation to/from the hotel.
4) Start looking for transportation to San Francisco. Check both the San Francisco and Oakland airports to see which would be more convenient/cost-effective for you. Remember, your Local is required to reimburse you for travel expenses, as well as per diem.
5) Make sure your orchestra has a delegate who will be attending the Conference. If you are unable to attend the conference yourself, make sure there is someone available to attend. Please let your MAL and me know who will be attending, and if it’s someone else, please let us know right away and direct them to the ROPA website so they can get information, register and book a hotel room.
That’s all for now – please let me know if you have any problems accessing the pages or registering. Please remember that July 5 is the deadline for hotel room, conference registration, and orchestra reports (more about them in a future email). Register for the Conference and book your room early if you can – it will help us plan efficiently.
More later – Thanks! Karen Sandene