Date: Sun May 22 / Conference email #1: Conference Info Page, Registration and Hotel Links Ready to go / book your transportation
Good morning, all – here we go!
Date: Sun May 22: / Conference email #2: Registration Link for Phone/Tablet
Hi, again – we have discovered that there are difficulties registering on a phone or a tablet using the form that was embedded on the website registration page. To register by phone or tablet, you should go directly to the form:
Date: Tues June 7: Conference email #3: Orchestra Reports/Settlement Bulletins
Hi, all – a few conference reminders this evening:
1) Write your Orchestra Report
An important part of conference preparation for us is the submission of Orchestra Reports from each orchestra, so we can compile them and share with delegates prior to conference. The Orchestra reports are important historical documents that help us keep track of the status of our orchestras over the years.
I’m attaching a sample report to this email as well. There is no set format, but do your best to keep it to one side of one page – a 1-page summary of how your orchestra did this year. You might want to check with your Orchestra Committee chair
If you are a delegate but someone else will be attending conference, please get a hold of your sub and see which of you will be writing the report.
Please submit reports to me via my gmail account ( rather than to the whole list. Do this by July 1, please.
As reports come in, I will compile them into a single document and a link will be posted on the conference page Substitute delegates, you will have access to the delegates portion of the site so you can view these and other documents you should have access to at conference.
Please don’t wait for the last minute to file your report. It takes time to process and compile nearly 90 orchestra reports, so do me a favor and try to get yours in by July 1.
2) Settlement Bulletins
If your orchestra settled contracts this past season and you have not yet sent in a settlement bulletin, please do so, so they can be distributed at conference.
These can be completed 2 ways:
1) Go to the following link to a google form and provide the information or
2) If you are fairly comfortable with Microsoft Word and can add rows/columns to a table, you can use the attached Settlement Bulletin Template and create a document.
Thanks! Karen Sandene
Date: Mon, June 29: Conference Email #4: deadline for hotel, registration and orchestra reports; Sandene on the road this week
Hi, all – this is a reminder that July 1 is the date that hotel reservations need to be made (the most important thing), orchestra reports should be turned in, and registering for conference should be taken care of. Here is a recap from Conference Email #1:
Also, from Tuesday to Sunday this week, I will be on a bicycle tour of the Nebraska Sandhills (it’s going to be a hot week!), and while I should be able to respond to emails on my phone in the evening, I will not have access to my computer, which might limit certain tasks. Go ahead and send me what you need to get in, and I’ll take care of things when I get home Sunday. Thanks! Karen Sandene
Date: Mon June 28 / Conference email #5: Orchestra reports link is now live
Hi, all – the link to the Orchestra Reports is now live, and any reports I’ve received so far are there. You must be logged into the ROPA website ( in order to view these reports.
Hi, all – In past years we have put together a hard copy, snail mail conference packet to send out to delegates and Local officers. Due to time constraints this year, we are foregoing the usual hard copy mailing and sending you the same documents via email.
- Message from the ROPA President, John Michael Smith
- Message from the ROPA Secretary, Karen Sandene
- Welcome message from Local 7 President Edmund Velasco
- Tentative Agenda
- Conference Hosting Guidelines (if your local would be interested in hosting a future conference)
Hi, all – the orchestra reports document has been updated with all reports that I’ve received as of this morning. They are at this link:
Date: Thursday, July 14 / Conference email #8: updated agenda (July 13), COVID protocols for attendees
Good afternoon!